Purple Toupee by They Might Be Giants Guitar Chords

p If you are looking for Purple Toupee guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Purple Toupee by They Might Be Giants using guitar or guitar. This song by They Might Be Giants can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Purple Toupee guitar chords has rhythm and included in Lincoln (1988) album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Purple Toupee by They Might Be Giants Guitar Chords/h3 Purple Toupee by They Might Be Giantsbrbr(Convention: each chord is two beats/half a measure. A dash indicates thatbrthe chord is held for another two beats; two chords with a slash betweenbrthem are held for one beat/a quarter of a measure each.)brbrIntro:br[A] [D] [E] [C#] [F#m] [B] br[E] [A] [B] [E] brbr1.br[G] I rem[-]ember the year [C]I went to c[G]ampbrbrhe[C]ard about some l[G]ady named Se[A]lma and some bl[D]acksbrbrs[G]omebody put their f[-]ingers in the pr[C]esident's e[G]arsbrbrand it w[C]asn't too much l[G]ater they came o[D]ut with John[G]son's Waxbrbr[D]I rem[-]ember the b[G]ook reposit[-]orybrbrwhere they[D] crowned the k[-]ing of Cu[G]ba[-]brbrTh[G]at's all I can th[-]ink of but I'm s[C]ure there's something e[G]lsebrbrw[C]ay down ins[G]ide me I can f[D]eel it coming b[E]ackbrbrbrChorus:br: A D E C# F#m BbrPurple toupee will show the way when summer brings you downbrbrE A B E :br(purple toupee when summer brings you down)brpurple toupee and gold lame will turn your brain aroundbr(purple toupee and gold lame)brbrbr2.brChinese people were fighting in the parkbrwe tried to help them fight no one appreciated thatbrMartin X was mad when they outlawed bell bottomsbrten years later they were sharing the same cellbrbrI shouted Free the Expo '67brtill they stepped on my hair and they told me I was fatbrNow I'm very big I'm a big important manbrand the only thing that's different is underneath my hatbrbr(Chorus)brbrbrP[F#m]urple tou[B]pee is h[E]ere to s[C#]taybrbra[F#m]fter the h[B]air has g[E]one[D] awaybrbrthe pu[A]rple brig[-]ade is m[B]arching fr[-]om the gr[E]avebrbr[Bb]We're on some kind of missionbrbr[F]we have an obligationbrbr[Eb]we have to wear toupeesbrbr[G] br[-----] br(Here's some alternate chords that may be a bit easier... or perhaps not. :)brIn any case, capo up 2)brbr[G] [C] [D] [B] [Em] [A] br[D] [G] [A] [D] br1.br[F] [-] [Bb] [F] br[Bb] [F] [G] [C] br[F] [-] [Bb] [F] br[Bb] [F] [C] [F] br[C] [-] [F] [-] br[C] [-] [F] [-] br[F] [-] [Bb] [F] br[Bb] [F] [C] [D] brChorus:br: G C D B Em AbrD G A D :brbr[Em] [A] [D] [B] br[Em] [A] [D] [C] br[G] [-] [A] [-] [D] br[Ab] br[Eb] br[Db] br[F] br-E.M. p If you want to learn They Might Be Giants Purple Toupee guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Purple Toupee. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p

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